Wednesday, March 25, 2015

White Rabbit

The Blog is late – I know. This bothers me more than you know; crawling under my skin constantly reminding me that I haven’t completed this task yet. Let me share this and maybe you will understand my physical discomfort! My dad & both my grandfathers were in the service – it has been ingrained in me that if I am not 10 minutes early I’m 5 minutes late. So the fact that this blog is 2 days late is killing me. I had to take a deep breath and accept the fact that it would be late because once I prioritize my responsibilities – this did not come first.

MSE Undergrad and Course request come first!

As you know, this is a required meeting time for everyone NOT graduating. If you haven’t done so – please schedule your course request meeting now. To accommodate everyone, I will hold after-hours advising on Monday (3/30) from 5-7, first come first served. You must be signed in my 6:30. 

Please be patient, as I will respond to your email. Yesterday morning, I knocked out 30 of 88. Since I received another 40. I will address your email in the order it was received.

Senior News
I am working on a special project for you guys. Please send me your favorite picture you have taken over the past 3 years (up to 3 pictures). These pictures do not have to be class/lab related – they can be after hour pictures!

Important Dates
3/24 – 3/31: Fall Course Request, required meeting time
4/17: Last day to reschedule final exams
4/18: Fall Add/Drop opens
5/6: Last Day to Withdraw – see me first

Helpful Tools
Job Advice for New Grads: Be Flexible and Mind Your Manners
As more colleges take steps to improve career education for their students, we wanted to find out what kinds of skills employers expect from college graduates. We asked current and former chief learning officers, who have led training efforts in the corporate and nonprofit worlds, the following question: "If you could persuade colleges to do one more thing to prepare students for the workplace, what would it be?"

Here’s what they told us.

In 1992 thousands of plastic yellow ducks broke free from a cargo ship in the Pacific. They floated halfway around the work for years and were used to study ocean currents.

Words To Live By
 He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.” – Thomas Jefferson


My Schedule 
Scheduled meeting times are available in Scholar. To schedule a meeting please log into your Scholar account.