Monday, April 20, 2015

All About the Bass

I have a question for the ladies. 
What would you think if you saw a guy walking around Wal-Mart wearing this?

I’m guessing you would think he is nuts for walking out of this apartment without his pants on. So, why the heck are you ladies leaving the house without your pants on? I ask this because yesterday I saw 2 young ladies at Michael’s who forgot their pants. 

On Friday, May 1 MEPS will hold a bake sale outside Moe’s. Please sign up to bake or help with the stand.

Senior News
If you are listed here please RSVP for the graduation reception ASAP: Corcoran, Huling, Rost, Seay and Taylor.

Important Dates
Saturday, April, 18: Fall Add/Drop opens
Wednesday, May 6: Last Day to Withdraw see me first

Please submit your requests to force add a MSE class here:

Helpful Tools
As some of you prepare to head out into the workforce and other head to a summer internship I want to share the FISH Philosophy.

The FISH! Philosophy includes four simple, interconnected practices:
Be There: When people need you, they need all of you. Setting aside distractions and judgments to be fully present is a sign of respect. It improves communication and strengthens relationships.

Play: You can be serious about your work without taking yourself so seriously. Play is a mindset more than a specific activity. It allows you to throw yourself with enthusiasm and creativity into whatever you are doing, in a way that is natural, not forced. "Playing” with ideas helps you find solutions to everyday challenges.

Make Their Day: Simple gestures of thoughtfulness, thanks and recognition make people feel appreciated and valued. When you make someone else feel good, you feel good too.

Choose Your Attitude: To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. When you get up, decide who you want to "be" today. Moment-to-moment awareness is key. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?"

Through The FISH! Philosophy, we build stronger relationships with the team members we work with, the customers we serve, the students we teach and the people we love.

I have chosen to make the FISH Philosophy my approach to my life and my work. You will choose your philosophy one day soon, choose wisely.

Did you know the sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English alphabet?

Words To Live By
Derek Explains Life to a Banker


My Schedule 
Scheduled meeting times are available 10-11:45 & 1:30-415. To schedule a meeting please log into your Scholar account.